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Quote About Dandelions

"You fight dandelions all weekend, and late Monday afternoon there they are, pert as all get out, in full and gorgeous bloom, pretty as can be, thriving as only dandelions can in the face of adversity."

-- Hal Borland

Friday, August 15, 2014

Popping In

Hello Lovelies!

I'm still caught up in the whirlwind of getting ready to move back in to school in a few days. But I've missed writing and I said to myself this morning, "Dadgummit, I'm going to write a blog post if it kills me!"

I'm done (mostly) making things for the Fair. My favorite things I've made are ^That book clutch^ and these necklace pendants:


I got to go to my favorite Elvis Week event - one of the free shows at The Tent! My super incredibly talented friend performs and competes every year and I've been blown away by how much stronger his performance is every time he steps onto a stage. This boy's going places. 

I'll miss my "summer home" but it's time for me to hit the road. 

No, really! I finally bought a car! 

College, here I come for Round 2.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

A Recap

So almost two weeks ago I posted that I was really busy. I was and am still. 

But I have had many adventures!

I visited my little college town and its library. 

People should know better than to offer free books to take home around me!

I paid a visit to an old family quilt that hangs in the library. Each pattern piece is made of twenty or so names hand-embroidered on. 

That took some patience, right there.

Then the next day I got up and for two days I traveled all the way up to Oshkosh, Wisconsin for the EAA Airventure Airshow. 

It was my first time of course it rained every day and my tent leaked. Good thing I love nature.

And a few rainbows never hurt anyone, either.

Among the hundreds of things to do was listen to astronauts talk about their research plane. 

Or, for those with a need for adrenaline.....

...You could watch aerial-aerobatics with exploding dynamite as the backdrop!

(At this point, I informed The Gentleman that I am, in fact, actually in *need* of a few sticks of dynamite for my very own. He disagreed vehemently....apparently I don't seem trustworthy with fire or something...) 

(Back off, ladies - he's mine!)

It was a wonderful adventure (or Airventure, as the case may be.) Plus, I got to hang out with this handsome fellow for a solid 9 days! 

♥ sHe