(Instructions have been modified from the fantastic ones over at Hooty's Homeroom.)
Materials needed:
1 sheet 8.5" x 11" paper
Tape (or paperclip)
Step 1: Fold the top right corner of the paper over to make a right triangle. Make sure the fold is creased sharply.
Step 2: Unfold and repeat with left corner, creasing sharply.
Step 3: With the left corner still folded down, fold the bottom rectangle up to crease.
Step 4: Unfold and check to ensure all creases are sharp.
Step 5: Flip paper over so that the rectangle crease is to the top.
Step 6: Cut the bottom left-hand crease to the center.
Step 7: "Puff" the center up and slide one flap under the other.
Step 8: Admire your blank study guide. At this point, feel free to do your own thing with this, modifying it for any class.
Step 9: Unfold your paper and label 3 of the sides with different areas that you are studying. Do not label the side that will be slid under.
Step 10: Under each section that you've labeled, write notes that fall under those areas. (I color coded mine, but there's no real need to.)
Step 11: Title the study guide.
Step 12: Using tape or a paperclip, attach the two sides together.
All done! Again, this is completely modifiable for anything you or your students are studying with 3 areas. It doesn't even have to be a study guide - you could definitely use this for lots of other things!
♥ Sarah
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